Source/Archive record SEM8121 - Burcombe and Wester Emmetts, Exmoor: Archaeological Survey

Type Report
Title Burcombe and Wester Emmetts, Exmoor: Archaeological Survey
Date/Year 2012
Publisher Cornwall County Council Historic Environment Service (Projects)
Cornwall Council report number 2012R009
ENPA project name MIRES
Child ENPHER Source Record reference SEM8436
Digital Object Identifier 10.5284/1042875

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


A walkover survey was carried out on land at Burcombe and Wester Emmetts, Exmoor, in advance of proposed drainage ditch blocking works by the Exmoor Mires Project. A total of 40 heritage assets were idenitified, the majority of which were associated with historic iron ore expolitation in the area. Other site types located included hollow ways, a variety of mounds and isolated stones Accurate locations were recorded for a small number of previously known sites to enhance the Historic Environment Record.

External Links (1)

Referenced Monuments (32)

  • Medieval or post-medieval hollow way on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Medieval to post-medieval hollow way on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval drainage ditch on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval mining activity on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval prospecting pit on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval prospecting pit on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval trackways on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Possible undated hollow way on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bank on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bank on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bank on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval culvert on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval drainage cut on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval extractive pit on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval extractive pit on the eastern edge of Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Post-medieval extractive pit on the eastern edge of Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Post-medieval extractive pit on the western side of Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on the eastern edge of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval openwork on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval peat cutting on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pospecting work on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval prospecting cut on the eastern side of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval prospecting cut on the eastern side of Burcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval prospecting pit on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric standing stone on Horcombe (Monument)
  • Roman Lode Ironworkings (Monument)
  • Undated hollow way on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Undated mound of unknown origin on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Undated mound on Burcombe (Monument)
  • Undated mound on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
  • Undated standing stone on Horcombe (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 2012: WS - Burcombe and Wester Emmetts, Mires Project

Record last edited

Jun 15 2022 3:46PM