The Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record (HER) is the most extensive source of information on the archaeological and historic built environment of Exmoor. It provides information on all the known archaeology and historic buildings found within the National Park, from the earliest recorded human history to recent times. Earthworks, ruins, buildings, landscapes, industrial remains, military sites, historic boundaries and routeways and sites of finds are all included. Whether you want to know about archaeological sites, historic buildings, old photographs or oral histories, the HER is the best place to start.
The HER includes historic environment assets of local interest and designated sites including Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Historic Parks and Gardens and Conservation Areas. There are supporting collections of aerial photographs, historic mapping, reports, journals and books on the historic environment of Exmoor, held at the National Park offices in Dulverton.
Please see our Caveat page for information on the use of HER data. If you are looking for a commercial output or are conducting research, or wish to arrange a visit to our offices in Dulverton, you should contact us direct for a data output which can be tailored to your requirements.
You can find more general information about HERs and their role on the Historic England website.
Contact details
Any information provided may be held by the Historic Environment Team to help us deal with further enquiries or to help us improve our service. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.
By Post:
Historic Environment Team Exmoor National Park Authority Exmoor House Dulverton Somerset TA22 9HLTelephone: 01398 322273
E-mail: HER@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk
Online contact us form