This section of the website provides links to websites and documents that relate to Exmoor's historic environment.
Historic Environment Record (HER) documents
In our offices at Exmoor House in Dulverton, we hold a variety of resources that support the HER database. This includes a body of archaeological grey literature reports, which contain details of investigations undertaken on archaeological remains and historic buildings on Exmoor that have not yet been formally published. Many of these can now be downloaded for free from the Archaeological Data Service website. Follow the link to view a list of reports lodged for the Exmoor National Park area. Further resources available within the ADS digital collections include the results of the Historic Landscape Characterisation project for Somerset and Exmoor undertaken between 1999 and 2000, carried out with funding from English Heritage by the Environment & Property Department of Somerset County Council (now Somerset Heritage Service). You can also access selected archaeological monographs published by English Heritage (now Historic England), such as 'The Field Archaeology of Exmoor' by H. Riley and R. Wilson-North (2001).
Other items housed within Exmoor National Park's HER reference collection include books and local journals, aerial photographs and historic mapping. These are often cross referenced within the HER database but many sources still require completely accessioning. Please contact us if you are looking for a particular item or you would like to arrange an appointment to view our collection.
The Historic Environment Team have made a series of publications available online through the National Park website. You can browse our Historic Environment Report Series, as well as the Historic Environment Review and one off publications such as the booklet 'Porlock's Moorland Archaeology', produced as part of the Heart of Exmoor's Dig Porlock 2013 project.
New! YouTube Playlist
The Historic Environment Team are making available a series of webinars on aspects of Exmoor's heritage. You can view these on our YouTube Playlist.
Other resources
External Websites
Links to web pages of projects, organisations and local groups related to Exmoor's past.