Loan boxes
Our handling collections have been developed by the Heart of Exmoor Project and are full of reproduction objects perfect for bringing the past to life. Each box dates from a different period of British prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. All boxes include:
- A wicker basket or box that holds all items;
- Replica objects from the period in question:
- Mesolithic items include a deer skin, flint tools, bone tools and hazelnut shells;
- Bronze Age items include pottery, flint objects, axe heads, loom weights, horn spoons, beads, animal skins and bone tools;
- Iron Age items include clothes, pottery, coins, a beaker, loom weights, iron smelting remains and an iron currency bar;
- Extra items are available upon request (including a Bronze Age hafted axe).
- Resources such as laminated reconstruction drawings and aerial photographs to investigate;
- An information book describing each item in the box (including how it relates to Exmoor's history) and gives suggested activities.
Additionally, we can help bring the wool industry to life, with drop spindles, carders and raw wool available to borrow. Spindles were used from the Neolithic (first farmers) until the industrial revolution when machines took over.
Anyone can borrow these handling collections – they have been taken to schools, local history talks, workplaces, conferences, family fun days, re-enactment events and more. Loan periods are up to two weeks and the boxes are free to borrow! Contact us to book any of the boxes and collect them from our offices at Exmoor House, Dulverton.
Other resources
The Moorland Classroom is a set of free web-based resources developed by the Heart of Exmoor scheme, which are designed to be used by teachers in the classroom, school grounds or out on Exmoor itself. Also, a new learning resource has been developed for Key Stage 2 and 3 students, which investigates the impact World War Two had on Exmoor and the vital role played not only in training allied troops for D-Day but also in coastal defence. Follow this link to view the North Hill in World War 2 resource, which includes teachers' notes as well as information about visiting the site.
Devon County Council's Historic Environment team have provided information on archaeological and historic sites in Devon that can be incorporated into local case studies for teaching history and prehistory up to Key Stage 3. Please see their Schools Resources page for further details.
The Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon also have a collection of teacher resources, and hold further loan boxes that can be borrowed.
The Archives for Teaching pages hosted by the Archaeology Data Service with Internet Archaeology includes a list of resources specifically for use in primary and secondary education, to be used in history or archaeology lessons .
The Teaching History with 100 Objects website provides information on one hundred objects from museums across the UK, with resources, information and teaching ideas to inspire students' interest in history.