Scheduled Monument: Hillslope enclosure, 155m west of Bougham Farm, Timberscombe, Minehead, Somerset (1486548)

Authority Historic England
Date assigned 27 July 2023
Date last amended
Date revoked
The Iron Age the hillslope enclosure in Timberscombe Wood, 155m west of Brougham Farm, Timberscombe, is scheduled for the following principal reasons: * Survival: despite some disturbance from previous forestry operations, it survives particularly well, with upstanding earthworks and buried remains; * Potential: it will contain archaeological information which will contribute to our understanding and knowledge of Iron Age communities and environmental information about the surrounding landscape; * Period: as one of a relatively limited number of sites characteristic of the Iron Age on Exmoor; * Documentation: archaeological surveys have increased our understanding of the monument and its significance; * Group value: it is one of a group of diverse and broadly contemporary monuments which give an indication of the nature of settlement and social organisation of the area during the later prehistoric period.

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