Thesaurus Term/Concept: SETTLEMENT

Identifier 68977
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A small concentration of dwellings.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (2)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (35)

Instances/Examples (52)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM23543 Allerford (Place)
Monument Type MSO7884 Anglo-Saxon buildings in Porlock area (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24657 Barton Gate (Place)
Monument Type MDE20419 Bentwitchen (Place)
Monument Type MEM24925 Blackford (Place)
Monument Type MDE20415 Bodley, Parracombe (Place)
Monument Type MEM24939 Bratton (Place)
Monument Type MEM24808 Bridge Ball (Place)
Monument Type MDE20866 Challacombe (Place)
Monument Type MDE20877 Countisbury (Place)
Monument Type MEM24801 Court Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23925 Cutcombe (Place)
Monument Type MSO7175 Deserted farm of Lancecombe or Landscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11606 Goodleys deserted farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23891 Heasley Mill (Place)
Monument Type MDE20857 Hollacombe (Place)
Monument Type MEM24940 Horner (Place)
Monument Type MEM25165 Howetown (Place)
Monument Type MEM24935 Huntscott (Place)
Monument Type MDE20876 Ilkerton Settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20864 Kemacott or Kimmacot (Place)
Monument Type MDE20416 Killington (Place)
Monument Type MEM24950 Leighland Chapel (Place)
Monument Type MEM23757 Luxborough (Place)
Monument Type MEM22381 Lynmouth (Place)
Monument Type MDE20872 Lynton (Place)
Monument Type MEM23134 Malmsmead (Place)
Monument Type MDE20863 Martinhoe (Place)
Monument Type MSO9254 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11943 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement southwest of Desolate Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20871 North Radworthy (Place)
Monument Type MSO9217 Oaktrow Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE20865 Parracombe (Place)
Monument Type MEM15232 Porlock (Place)
Monument Type MEM23545 Porlock Weir (Place)
Monument Type MSO10937 Possible prehistoric, medieval or post-medieval settlement at Warren Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8588 Post-medieval cottages at Yellowcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8838 Post-medieval or modern ditched boundaries north of Hartford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12252 Prehistoric coaxial landscape, East Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1296 Prehistoric hut circles and field system on Thorn Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6288 Ranscombe settlement and medieval bridge (Place)
Monument Type MEM23568 Settlement Site on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20731 South Radworthy (Place)
Monument Type MEM24938 Tivington (Place)
Monument Type MDE20855 Trentishoe (Place)
Monument Type MDE20833 Twitchen (Place)
Monument Type MSO7377 Undated square enclosure at Thurley Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23546 West Porlock (Place)
Monument Type MDE20869 Whitefield (Place)
Monument Type MSO7474 Will / Well Farmstead, Luxborough (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23579 Winsford (Place)
Monument Type MEM23880 Withypool (Place)