Number of records found: 185
Monument record: MDE21795 Posssible mining activity east of Little Hangman (Monument)Earthworks in the form of a scarp with two eroded pits and a bank may be the remains of mining activity, consisting of a building platform and open cast workings.
Monument record: MDE21796 Possible medieval or post-medieval clearance cairn on Little Hangman (Monument)A small grassy mound may be the remains of a medieval or post-medieval field clearance cairn.
Monument record: MDE21797 Post-medieval enclosure bank on southwest side of Little Hangman (Monument)A former post-medieval earth enclosure bank appears to demarcate a series of natural terraces.
Monument record: MDE21798 Possible medieval subcircular platform above Wild Pear Beach (Monument)A subcircular platform may have medieval agricultural origins or may represent a natural feature.
Monument record: MDE8271 20th Century ground disturbance northeast of Girt Farm (Monument)Features visible on aerial photographs taken in 1946 were thought to be openworks related to Combe Martin silver and lead mines. It is now thought they represent drainage, quarrying and agricultural dumping dating to the 20th Century.
Monument record: MDE21626 Post-medieval parish boundary stone north of Dean Cross (Monument)The boundary stone marks the boundary of Trentishoe and Kentisbury parishes and is close to their boundaries with Combe Martin parish.
Monument record: MDE21181 Post-medieval water meadow south of West Challacombe Farm (Monument)A post-medieval water meadow system, known locally as a catchwater meadow is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. It may have been fed from a pond to the south of West Challacombe Farm.
Monument record: MEM23079 Girt Farm (Building)The farmstead is shown on historic mapping.
Monument record: MEM23080 East Challacombe Farm (Building)The farmstead is shown on historic mapping.
Monument record: MEM23081 Holdstone Farm (Building)The farmstead is shown on historic mapping.