Number of records found: 102
Monument record: MEM23556 Possible mill and leat at Worth Farm (Building)A water course is shown on historic mapping, being drawn from West Water, following the contours down to a possible mill at Worth Farmstead. The water appears to be discharged in a water meadow to the southeast (MMO3170).
Monument record: MDE20393 Post-medieval water power at Woolhanger Farm (Monument)A waterwheel, made by William Floyd of Brendon, was used to drive the organ within the music room at Woolhanger. Water was transported to the wheel from a pond half a mile away through a series of pipes and open conduits.
Monument record: MEM22327 Possible post-medieval mill and mill leat near Northern Mill Cottage (Monument)A building shown on historic mapping situated adjacent to a possible leat fed by the River Exe may be a historic watermill.
Monument record: MDE11752 Lethan's or New Mill (Monument)An unnamed mill on the Ordnance Survey 1 inch map of 1809 is named Lethans's Mill on the Tithe Map of 1840 and New Mill on the 1st and 2nd Edition Ordnance Survey 25" maps. It was severely damaged by the 1952 flood but since renovated.
Monument record: MDE20932 Trentishoe Mill (Monument)The mill site was in use in the mid 19th Century but is said to have been levelled in 1973.
Monument record: MDE21043 Tuckingmill, Milltown (Building)The mill is on historic mapping.
Monument record: MDE21089 Brendon Mill (Building)The corn mill and leat are shown on historic mapping. The mill was apparently swept away in the 1952 flood, although a later site visit suggested the buildings are still extant.
Monument record: MEM22171 Medieval watermill of Lower Mill, Dunster (Monument)The present mill is situated on the site of the medieval mill of Lower Mill, formed from Newmylle and Nethermylle.
Monument record: MDE10879 Challacombe Mill and cottages (Monument)Part of the stone fabric of a corn mill shown on historic mapping appears to be preserved in a cattle shed, adjacent to a stone lined rectangular wheel pit. The leat and the remains of an associated sluice gate survive.
Monument record: MDE11208 Post-medieval corn mill at Croscombe Barton Farm (Building)A disused corn mill at Crosscombe Barton Farm. A cast iron overshot waterwheel, 3.8m in diameter, was inserted in about 1850; it is no longer in use but remains in situ. The wheel was fed from a stream through a series of artificial ponds.