Number of records found: 185
Monument record: MMO1773 Possible Bronze Age hut circle on the western side of Trentishoe Down (Monument)A possible Bronze Age hut circle is visible on aerial photographs as a slight earthwork on the western side of Trentishoe Down.
Monument record: MMO1784 Post-medieval quarry northeast of Trentishoe Down (Monument)A probable post-medieval extractive pit or quarry is visible on aerial photographs as an earthwork on the northeastern side of Trentishoe Down.
Monument record: MDE1041 Alleged stone row on Holdstone Hill, Holdstone Down (Monument)The purported site of a stone row on Holdstone Down. No evidence was visible during field investigation in 1989 and the original information referred to three cairns to the northwest (MDE20203).
Monument record: MDE20513 Medieval field system on southeast side of Girt Down (Monument)A group of low banks and soil marks defining redundant field boundaries and previous enclosures have been noted on aerial photographs.
Monument record: MDE20520 Post-medieval or modern building remains southeast of Red Cleave (Monument)The remains of a structure are visible on aerial photographs taken in 1946 as a series of earthworks and low walls.
Monument record: MDE8266 Post-medieval adit above Wild Pear Beach (Monument)A linear mound, shown on the Ordnance Survey 25 inch map of 1889/1904, may be the spoil from an adit said to have been situated above Wild Pear Beach.
Monument record: MDE8275 19th or 20th Century trial mine shaft south of Lester Point (Monument)A trial shaft for silver and lead is visible as a vertical working. It was either associated with the 19th Century workings of the West Challacombe Mine sett, or possibly with prospecting in 1935. Summary from record MDE21473: Vis=14/5/1993 (rchm) shaft 15m above sea level on s side of lester point. Near vertical.3.5m e-w by 2m by 8m deep. Claughton states that it was a trial shaft for silver lead on the crowns lode, probably associated with 19c west challacombe mine sett. However, burton's statement that ore was found at the foot of lester point in 1935 but not exploited, may refer to this shaft(rchm).
Monument record: MDE8278 19th Century adit northeast of East Challacombe Farm (Monument)The remains of a collapsed and infilled adit and a grassed over spoil heap, northeast of East Challacombe Farm, may have been 19th Century workings associated with the Iron/Manganese mining of Girt Down Mine sett.
Monument record: MDE8285 World War Two impact craters west of the Great Hangman Summit Cairn (Monument)A series of seven small trial pits, originally described as 19th Century mineral prospecting remains for iron or manganese. However, due to their regular size and linear placement, they are now thought to be World War Two impact craters.
Monument record: MDE8574 Prehistoric remains on Holdstone Down (Monument)A prehistoric hut circle measuring 9.7 metres in diameter. In the vicinity are fragmentary remains of clearance cairns and linear clearance or field banks, which appear to be contemporary. Summary from record MMO272: A hut circle measuring 9.7m in diameter bound by a stoney banks 1.4m wide and 0.4m high is visible on aerial photographs and at ground level. In the vicinity are linear clearance and clearance cairns.