Source/Archive record SEM341094 - Bratton Court, Minehead Without
Type | Collection |
Title | Bratton Court, Minehead Without |
Author/Originator | Various |
Date/Year | Various |
N/A | |
Historic England Archive Reference | BF041845 |
Child ENPHER Source Record reference | SEM341296 |
Ordnance Survey |
Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record caveat document.
File relating to Bratton Court collated by RCHME. 12 sheets of A4, including report authored by Williams (SEM341296), together with 5 cards with black and white prints attached (taken June 1965), and a single undated loose black and white photograph of the gatehouse. Also 5 database entry forms and details from Pevsner and the OS record card.
External Links (1)
- (Historic England Archive catalogue entry)
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MSO7575 Bratton Court, Minehead (Building)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Aug 15 2022 5:04PM