MSO7979 - Post-medieval water meadow east of Eastcott Farm (Monument)


A post-medieval field gutter system is visible on aerial photographs taken in 1947.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

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Full Description

A post-medieval water meadow was seen on aerial photographs. [1,2] SS 8594 4697. A post-medieval water meadow gutter drainage system, visible as curvilinear earthworks, was mapped from aerial photographs taken in 1946 and 1947. Located on a steep south and southwest facing hillslope in fields immediately east of Eastcott Farm southwest of Porlock Weir, a series of roughly 1 to 1.5 metres wide curvilinear earthwork ditches, about 442 metres westsouthwest to eastnortheast (SS 8577 4689 to SS 8618 4706) by 100 metres north to south (SS 8583 4700 to SS 8585 4690), follow the contours of the slope to carry water over and off the fields. Some of the ditches were still visible in 1979. [1,3-5] This record was enhanced as part of the National Record of the Historic Environment to Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record data transfer project. [6]

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> Aerial photograph: 1947. LHL CPE/UK/1980. 3028-9.
  • <2> Report: Francis, P.T.H.. 1984. A Survey and Description of the "Catch Meadow" Irrigation Systems Found in the Exmoor Region of West Somerset. 39.
  • <3> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/1655 3025 (11 July 1946).
  • <4> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR OS/79012 002-003 (17 April 1979).
  • <5> Archive: Crowther, S., Dickson, A. and Truscoe, K.. 2007. Severn Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: SS 84 NE. MD000130.
  • <6> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 1127391, Extant 14 February 2022.

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Other Statuses/References

  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MMO795
  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MSO11878
  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 84 NE41
  • NRHE HOB UID (Pastscape): 1127391
  • Somerset SMR PRN (Somerset): 34456



Grid reference Centred SS 860 469 (547m by 249m) Aerial survey
Map sheet SS84NE

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Record last edited

Feb 14 2022 4:38PM


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