MSO12139 - Former Methodist Chapel, West Street, Dunster (Building)


The former Methodist Chapel was built by Samuel Shewbrooks of Taunton in 1878, which closed in 1968. It replaced a chapel formed in 1832 from shops and unfinished cottages on the site.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status

Full Description

Former Methodist Church, 1878 by Samuel Shewbrooks of Taunton (Pevsner p 158). Dressed and coursed red sandstone, dressings to windows and doors rendered. Steep gabled slate roof, ridge tiles, brick stacks. Two storeys plus attic. Ornate Dutch gable with moulded coping, cornice and scrolls, spiked ball finial. Doric pilasters, cornice. Large central window, semi-circular rusticated voussoirs, glazing bars. Triple louvred opening to gable. Ground floor windows with moulded architraves, cill on brackets. Double panelled door, moulded architraves, modern basrelief panels above. Chapel House adjoins to right. Two storey gabled roof behind parapets with moulded cornice. Rusticated quoins. Semi-circular window with glazing bars, cill on brackets. Ground floor window with moulded architraves glazing bars. Front to St George's Street with brick dressings to windows, segmental arches. Plain boarded door. [1] The chapel was closed in 1968 and is now in use as a studio. [2] English Heritage Listed Building Number: 264734. First Listed on 04/08/1983. [3] The 2002 Conservation Area Character Appraisal for Dunster states that "On the west side of West Street, the former Methodist Church, built 1878 by Samuel Shewbrooks of Taunton is a dominant feature built of coursed red sandstone with dressings to windows and some frontage rendering. Other detail includes an ornate Dutch style gable with scrolls and spiked ball finial, a large central window with rusticated voussoirs. The Chapel house adjoins to the right." [4] "METHODIST CHURCH of 1878… with an odd rather Flemish-Baroque façade (by Shewbrooks of Taunton)." [5] The building was visited in April 2012 as part of the rapid condition survey of Exmoor's Listed Buildings 2012-13. It received a BAR score of 6. [7] The building is depicted and labelled "2" on 2018 MasterMap data. [8] Former Methodist Church, built 1832, rebuilt in 1878 by Samuel Shewbrooks of Taunton. Dressed and coursed red sandstone, dressings to windows and doors rendered. Steep gabled slate roof, ridge tiles, brick stacks. Two storeys plus attic. Now a studio. [9] This record was enhanced as part of the National Record of the Historic Environment to Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record data transfer project. [10] The building is mentioned in the 2018 Conservation Area Appraisal for Dunster. [11] The building was assessed as part of the 2018-19 rapid condition survey of Exmoor’s Listed Buildings, receiving a BAR score of 6. [12]

Sources/Archives (12)

  • <1> Index: 4/8/1983. Twenty-fifth List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. District of West Somerset (Somerset).
  • <2> Monograph: Stell, C.. 1991. An Inventory of Nonconformist Chapels and Meeting-Houses in South-West England. Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
  • <3> Unassigned: Webster CJ, Historic Environment Record. 2005. Staff Comments, Somerset County Council.
  • <4> Report: Fisher, J.. 2002. Dunster Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Exmoor National Park Authority. p22.
  • <5> Monograph: Pevsner, N.. 1958. The Buildings of England: South and West Somerset. Penguin Books. p158.
  • <6> Monograph: Binding, H.. Discovering Dunster. The Exmoor Press. p47.
  • <7> Report: Lawrence, G.. 2014. Exmoor National Park: Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2012-13.
  • <8>XY Map: Ordnance Survey. 2018. MasterMap. [Mapped feature: #39171 ]
  • <9> Monograph: Stell, C.. 1991. An Inventory of Nonconformist Chapels and Meeting-Houses in South-West England. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. p174.
  • <10> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 1488057, Enhanced 23 May 2022.
  • <11> Report: Pratt, N. and Thurlow, T.. 2018. Dunster Conservation Area: appraisal document. Exmoor National Park Authority. p 21, 38, 60, 95, Figure 36.
  • <12> Report: Thurlow, T.. 2020. Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2018-2019: Summary of findings and recommendations for action. Exmoor National Park Authority.

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Other Statuses/References

  • 2012-3 Building At Risk Score (6): 26/4/101/1
  • 2012-3 Building At Risk Score (6): 26/4/101/2
  • Local Heritage List Status (Rejected)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 94 SE205
  • National Park: Exmoor National Park
  • NRHE HOB UID (Pastscape): 1488057
  • Somerset SMR PRN: 35006



Grid reference Centred SS 9901 4357 (16m by 16m)
Map sheet SS94SE

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Record last edited

Dec 11 2024 1:16PM


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