MSO11251 - Post-medieval iron mine southwest of Sellbed Cross (Monument)


Evidence of iron mining activity of probable post-medieval date is visible on aerial photographs as the earthwork remains of an adit gulley and associated spoil heap located to the north of an area of probable prospecting pits.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

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  • None recorded
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Full Description

"Old mine","adit" and "Old shaft" printed on 1962 6 inch map. [1] "Old iron Mine" on 1904 25" map. [2] Nothing shown on 1979 1:10,000 map. [3] Centred at SS 8202 3752 are the remains of an iron mine. It consists of a linear gulley 5 metres wide, 0.6 metres deep and about 30 metres long. A very disturbed spoil heap is visible at its northeastern end. The site of the shaft, some 84 metres to the southwest of the adit gulley, is marked by a subcircular hollow 5.2 metres in diameter and 0.5 metres deep. The shaft lies in an extensive area of shallow surface scoops and depressions, which are probably prospecting pits. [4] Earthwork evidence for iron mining of probable post-medieval date is visible on aerial photographs centred on circa SS 8203 3754. The remains consist of an adit gulley, evidence for a former air shaft and area of possible prospecting pits. The adit gulley is centred on circa 8207 3757, is up to 48 metres in length and 7 wide with an associated spoil heap at its northeastern tip. To the south of the gulley, shallow surface scoops and depressions can be seen to cover an area of circa 2.5 hectares. As described above, these probably represent a period of speculative ore prospecting. Within this area, the location of a shaft, probably for ventilation, can be seen as a larger and deeper circular hollow centred on circa SS 8197 3750. [5-7] This record was enhanced as part of the National Record of the Historic Environment to Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record data transfer project. [8]

Sources/Archives (8)

  • <1> Map: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1962. 6" SS83NW.
  • <2> Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-1907. County Series, 2nd Edition 25 Inch Map. 1:2500. 1904, 45(11).
  • <3> Map: Ordnance Survey. 1979. 1:10,000 SS83NW.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Wilson-North, R.. Field Investigators Comments. RCHME Field Investigation, 9 August 1995.
  • <5> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF 106G/UK/1655 (F20) 3420-1 (11 July 1946).
  • <6> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF 543/2821 (F62) 162-3 (27 April 1964).
  • <7>XY Archive: 2007-2009. Exmoor National Park NMP: SS 83 NW. MD002191. [Mapped feature: #47501 ]
  • <8> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 974426, Extant 11 August 2021.

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Other Statuses/References

  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MMO377
  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MSO6747
  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 83 NW22
  • National Park: Exmoor National Park
  • NRHE HOB UID (Pastscape): 974426
  • Somerset SMR PRN: 33592



Grid reference Centred SS 8200 3749 (247m by 199m)
Map sheet SS83NW

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Record last edited

Aug 11 2021 4:35PM


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