MSO10781 - Bevins House, Winsford Village (Building)


Constructed in the mid 19th Century, the house has roughcast render over rubble and a raised roof. It is believed to be the birthplace of Ernest Bevin, trades union leader and former Foreign Secretary (1945-51).

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status

Full Description

House. Mid C19, roof raised subsequently. Roughcast over rubble, steeply pitched asbestos slate roof, brick stacks rising below roof ridge at gable ends. Plan: 2-cell and cross passage with wing at rear. Two storeys, 3 bays, sash windows with single vertical glazing bars, central half glazed door with 2 lights. Listed primarily for historic interest as the birthplace of the statesmen and trades union leader Ernest Bevin (1881-1951), who spent the first 8 years of his life here. There is an inscribed slate plaque to his memory end bay right. [1] English Heritage Listed Building Number: 265563. First Listed on 02/01/1986. [2] L-plan. Stone, Render, roughcast and pebbledash walls. Gabled roof [3] The building was visited in March 2012 as part of the rapid condition survey of Exmoor's Listed Buildings 2012-13. It received a BAR score of 6. [4] Of particular historic importance is Bevins Cottage with a late 19th century frontage, probably originally a two-cell cottage with cross-passage but with the roof raised subsequently. The three-bay frontage has sash windows with single vertical glazing bar, central half-glazed door with two lights. This was the birthplace and home for his first eight years of Ernest Bevin 1881-1951, statesman and trades union leader who also attended the village school. Bevins House is a former cottage heightened and re-fronted in the 19th Century, and primarily listed as home of Ernest Bevin, former Foreign Secretary (1945-1951). [5] The house does not appear on the Winsford Tithe Map. [6] The building is depicted, apparently in its current layout, on the 1st Edition Ordnance Survey map. [7] The Rt Hon Ernest Bevin, wartime Minister of Labour, British Foreign Secretary 1945-1951, architect of NATO and world statesman, lived in this house. He was born in 1881 and went to Winsford School. [8] Winsford was designated as a conservation area in 2023. The new appraisal was produced as part of the adoption of the conservation area. [9] The building was assessed as part of the 2018-19 rapid condition survey of Exmoor’s Listed Buildings, receiving a BAR score of 6. [10]

Sources/Archives (10)

  • <1> Index: 2/1/1986. Thirty-fifth List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, District of West Somerset (Somerset)/Exmoor National Park.
  • <2> Unassigned: Webster CJ, Historic Environment Record. 2005. Staff Comments, Somerset County Council.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Somerset County Council. Various. Somerset HER parish files - Exmoor records.
  • <4> Report: Lawrence, G.. 2014. Exmoor National Park: Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2012-13.
  • <5> Report: Fisher, J.. 2005. Winsford: Village Character Appraisal. 14.
  • <6> Map: 1839. Winsford Tithe Map and Apportionment.
  • <7> Map: Ordnance Survey. 1854-1901. County Series; 1st Edition 25 Inch Map. 1:2500.
  • <8> Leaflet: Various. 2004. A Winsford Anthology. 27.
  • <9> Report: Thurlow, T.. 2023. Winsford Conservation Area Appraisal. Exmoor National Park Authority.
  • <10> Report: Thurlow, T.. 2020. Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2018-2019: Summary of findings and recommendations for action. Exmoor National Park Authority.

External Links (0)

Other Statuses/References

  • 2012-3 Building At Risk Score (6): 1076/19/149
  • 2018-9 Building At Risk Score (6): 1076/19/149
  • Local Heritage List Status (Rejected)
  • National Park: Exmoor National Park
  • Somerset SMR PRN: 31281



Grid reference Centred SS 9065 3483 (15m by 16m) MasterMap
Map sheet SS93SW

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2025 1:58PM


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