MMO2964 - World War Two military training activity north of Honeymead Two Gates (Monument)


Slit trenches, possible structures and hardstandings visible on aerial photographs of the 1940s. They are probably evidence for military training activities of Second World War date, possibly related to the activities of the Exmoor Firing Range.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Slit trenches, possible structures and hard standings are visible on aerial photographs of the 1940s to the north of Honeymead Two Gates, centred approximately on circa SS 803 393. The features were probably created during military training activities of Second World War date and although the particular purpose of the training is unclear, it is likely to be related to the broader activities of the Exmoor Firing Range. The earthwork evidence consists of slit trenches from less than one metre wide and up to 15 metres long, to circular and sub-rectangular pits, possibly weapons pits dug for practice purposes, up to 6 metres across. The remains of a possible circular structure circa 3 metres in diameter can be seen at circa SS 8038 3953. A rectangular hard-standing, possibly for vehicle parking can be see at circa SS 8041 3935. However, many features are smaller than two metres across or are unclear, and therefore not all possible military remains have been transcribed. Most features are no longer visible on aerial photographs of 1952. [1-3] This record was enhanced as part of the National Record of the Historic Environment to Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record data transfer project. [4]

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF 106G/UK/1501 (F20) 4058-9 (13 May 1946).
  • <2> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF 540/860 (F20) 4081-2 (2 September 1952).
  • <3>XY Archive: 2007-2009. Exmoor National Park NMP: SS 83 NW. MD002191. [Mapped features: #43173 ; #43174 ]
  • <4> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 1488022, Extant 1 September 2021.

External Links (1)

Other Statuses/References

  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 83 NW62
  • NRHE HOB UID (Pastscape): 1488022



Grid reference Centred SS 8030 3942 (601m by 284m) (2 map features)
Map sheet SS83NW

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Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

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Record last edited

Sep 1 2021 2:04PM


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