MDE1073 - Court Place Farmhouse, Churchtown, Parracombe (Building)


Court Place Farmhouse, largely 18th Century in date, is on the site of the farm where the manorial courts of Parracombe were held in the medieval period. It is not clear if it retains fabric from the earlier building.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (2)

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Full Description

(SS 6743 4485) Court Place (NAT) Manor House (NR). [1] Court Place was not the manor house but the farmhouse where the Courts Leet and Baron of the St Albyn family, who were lords of the manor of Parracombe, were held after the family left the parish. The old manor house the site of which is unknown was not used after John St Albyn left Parracombe in 1470. The family held the manor from 1289 to 1837, the last proprietor being Lawrence St Albyn of Alfoxton, Somerset. [2,3] The property dates to 1790 by date plaque, with 19th Century alterations. Stone rubble with slate-hung facade. Slate roof with slate-hung gable end stacks. Half-hipped slate roof to rear kitchen wing. Symmetrical 2-room and central staircase plan with 2-storey kitchen wing to rear left side, and dairy outshut to rear right side. Single shallow 2-storey extension of 1-room plan, probably added in the 19th century, at right end of main range.2 storeys. Symmetrical 3-bay main range with added bay at right end, forming overall 4-window range. 4 paned sashes on each floor at left end. 2 light casement, 4 panes per light above timber porch, the sides infilled with brick. Shaped timber posts support slated gabled roof. Half-glazed plank door. Similar 2-light casement to right above 19th century 20 paned sash. Added bay at right end has a 19th Century 12-paned sash over rectangular 6 paned window. Slate date plaque at left gable end with inscription "this house was rebuilt by John Blackmore and Elizabeth in 1790". Brief interior inspection suggested all 19th century joinery, including panelled doors, staircase and integral cupboards, is principally intact. [4] No further information. The present house, Court Place Farmhouse, is largely 18th Century. The site of the manor of the St Aubyn family does not appear to be known. [5] The building was visited in September 2012 as part of the rapid condition survey of Exmoor's Listed Buildings 2012-13. It received a BAR score of 6. [6] A slate date plaque in the south gable is inscribed “This house was rebuilt by John Blackmore and Elizabeth in 1790” indicating that its origins are earlier. The interior is said to have mainly 19th Century joinery, including panelled doors, staircase, and there are 4-pane and a 12-pane sash windows, as well as casements. [7] This record was enhanced as part of the National Record of the Historic Environment to Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record data transfer project. [8] Court Place Farmhouse, to the south of the church, is likely to have been the principal house of the manor and housed its administrative functions, although it may not necessarily be the original manor house. Externally the house is stone rubble, with slate hung facade and a slate roof, and of symmetrical 2 room and central staircase plan, with 2 storey kitchen wing to rear left side, and dairy outshot to rear right. [9] The building was assessed as part of the 2018-19 rapid condition survey of Exmoor’s Listed Buildings, receiving a BAR score of 6. [10]

Sources/Archives (10)

  • <1> Map: Ordnance Survey. 1854-1901. County Series; 1st Edition 25 Inch Map. 1:2500. 1889.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Chanter, F. J.. Letter.
  • <3> Map: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Object Name Book reference . Rev ONB 1905 21.
  • <4> Index: Department of the Environment. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest . HHR: Parracombe (9 April 1987) 75.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Wilson-North, R.. Various. Field Investigators Comments. RCHME Field Investigation, 3 September 1993.
  • <6> Report: Lawrence, G.. 2014. Exmoor National Park: Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2012-13.
  • <7> Report: Fisher, J.. 2004. Parracombe: Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Exmoor National Park Authority. p12, 15.
  • <8> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 34752, Extant 10 November 2021.
  • <9> Report: Pratt, N. and Thurlow, T.. 2019. Parracombe Conservation Area: appraisal document. Exmoor National Park Authority. p 1, 30, 70.
  • <10> Report: Thurlow, T.. 2020. Rapid condition survey of listed buildings 2018-2019: Summary of findings and recommendations for action. Exmoor National Park Authority.

External Links (1)

Other Statuses/References

  • 2012-3 Building At Risk Score (6): 1544/6/131
  • 2018-9 Building At Risk Score (6)
  • Devon SMR (Devonshire): SS64SE/61
  • Devon SMR Monument ID: 12133
  • Devon SMR Monument ID: 37652
  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MDE20235
  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MDE21290
  • Local Heritage List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 64 SE31
  • National Park: Exmoor National Park
  • NRHE HOB UID (Pastscape): 34752



Grid reference Centred SS 6742 4485 (14m by 22m)
Map sheet SS64SE

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Record last edited

Feb 10 2025 2:46PM


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