Principal Archaeological Landscape: Challacombe field system (51)
Authority | Exmoor National Park Authority |
Date assigned | 28 September 2013 |
Date last amended | |
Date revoked |
External Links (0)
Sources (0)
Grid reference | Centred SS 6885 4121 (3509m by 2606m) |
Map sheet | SS64SE |
Related Monuments/Buildings (81)
- 18th Century barn and shippon at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MDE20311)
- 19th Century animal shed at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MEM23055)
- 19th Century bank barn with horse engine house at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MDE20312)
- 19th Century farmhouse at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MEM23057)
- 19th Century privy east of Barton Town Farmhouse (Building) (MEM23058)
- 19th Century stables and pigsty at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MEM23056)
- A medieval hollow way or road is visible on aerial... (Monument) (MMO2049)
- A medieval or post medieval curvilinear field boun... (Monument) (MMO2127)
- A medieval or post medieval lynchet is visible on ... (Monument) (MMO2233)
- A number of fragmentary medieval or post medieval ... (Monument) (MMO2048)
- A post medieval leat or water channel is visible o... (Monument) (MMO2107)
- A post medieval leat or water channel is visible o... (Monument) (MMO2126)
- A post medieval quarry and associated spoil heaps ... (Monument) (MMO2232)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2008)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2009)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2010)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2105)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2106)
- A post medieval water meadow system, known locally... (Monument) (MMO2122)
- A post medieval water meadow, known locally as a ... (Monument) (MMO2012)
- A post medieval water meadow, known locally as a c... (Monument) (MMO2025)
- A Post Medieval water meadow, known locally as a c... (Monument) (MMO2005)
- A ruined building and associated semi-circular enc... (Monument) (MMO2178)
- A series of earthworks representing the remains of... (Monument) (MMO2177)
- Barton Town Farm (Monument) (MEM23054)
- Deserted Farmstead at North Twitchen (Monument) (MEM3)
- Farmbuildings at Whitefield Farm (Building) (MDE20315)
- Field System South East of Barton Gate (Monument) (MMO3787)
- Group of banks suggesting strip fields north of we... (Monument) (MDE20721)
- Holy Trinity Church and Churchyard, Barton Town (Building) (MDE10860)
- Lengths of bank forming old field boundaries. Good... (Monument) (MDE20799)
- Low bank forming old field boundary north of shoul... (Monument) (MDE20726)
- Medieval field system around Barton Town (Monument) (MMO312)
- Medieval Field System, West of Challacombe Common, Challacombe (Monument) (MMO2047)
- Medieval or post medieval field system west of Challacombe Common (Monument) (MMO2174)
- Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries south of Old Close Quarry (Monument) (MMO2180)
- Medieval or post-medieval field boundary northeast of West Swincombe Farm (Monument) (MMO2125)
- Medieval or post-medieval settlement earthworks at Barton Town (Monument) (MDE10877)
- Medieval Strip Field System, Whitefield Barton, Challacombe (Monument) (MMO3785)
- Medieval strip fields north east of Challacombe (Monument) (MMO3790)
- Medieval strip lynchets around North and South Swincombe (Monument) (MDE10871)
- New House Farm, Challacombe (Monument) (MDE20622)
- North Lane Cottage (Monument) (MDE21185)
- North Swincombe Mill (Monument) (MDE21571)
- Old Close Farmstead (Monument) (MDE20797)
- Old Close Quarry (Monument) (MDE21227)
- Original 17th Century farmhouse at Barton Town Farm (Building) (MDE20313)
- Possible Medieval or Post Medieval boundaries are ... (Monument) (MMO3805)
- Possible post-medieval leat at West Swincombe Farm (Monument) (MMO2123)
- Possible post-medieval linhay north of Twitchen Copse (Monument) (MDE20727)
- Post medieval water meadow, Old Close Farm, Challacombe (Monument) (MMO2157)
- Post-medeval lime kiln at Old Close Quarry (Monument) (MDE12877)
- Post-medieval building east of Barton Town (Monument) (MDE20700)
- Post-medieval lime kiln at Old Close Quarry (Monument) (MDE21710)
- Post-medieval limekiln at Southground Quarries (Monument) (MDE21684)
- Post-medieval quarry and associated trackway southwest of Old Close Quarry (Monument) (MMO2179)
- Post-medieval water meadow at Swincombe (Monument) (MMO2006)
- Post-medieval water meadow east of Challacombe Mill (Monument) (MMO2003)
- Post-medieval water meadow or drainage system around Town Lane (Monument) (MMO3803)
- Probable Leat or Water Channel, West Swinscombe, Challacombe (Monument) (MMO2124)
- Site of Building (Monument) (MDE21832)
- Site of Farm Building and Track, West Swinscombe, Challacombe (Monument) (MDE20718)
- South Swincombe Mill (Monument) (MDE21577)
- Southground Quarries, north of Challacombe Cross (Monument) (MDE10870)
- Southground quarries. There are numerous other sma... (Monument) (MDE20424)
- Strip field system with possible deserted medieval settlement at North Barton (Monument) (MMO3786)
- The remains of a system of Medieval strip fields e... (Monument) (MMO3788)
- The remains of a system of Medieval strip fields e... (Monument) (MMO3789)
- Three round mounds north-west of west swincombe. P... (Monument) (MDE20719)
- Two short lengths of bank north of old close. One ... (Monument) (MDE20798)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE20623)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE20624)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE20625)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE21188)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE21216)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE21800)
- Unnamed (Monument) (MDE21831)
- Vis=-/7/1979 (dcra) quarry and old field banks. Le... (Monument) (MDE21713)
- Whitefield Barton (Monument) (MDE20867)
- Whitefield barton mill.... (Monument) (MDE21574)
- Whitefield Farmhouse (Building) (MDE20316)