Principal Archaeological Landscape: Warren Farm
Exmoor National Park Authority
Date assigned
01 January 2011
Date last amended
Date revoked
The PAL is located on the south facing slopes of Exe Cleeve, east of Simonsbath and within the area of the former Royal Forest of Exmoor. It occupies a dramatic hillside location.
Description of archaeology
The PAL comprises a 17th century rabbit warren and warreners house, overlain by a 19th century farming landscape. This includes water meadows and a model farm. A number of pillow mounds make up the warren which lies on the slopes below the present farm house. Several of the mounds are cut by later features. There is low intensity grazing over the area of the PAL, with some bracken and gorse with natural rock outcrops.
Principal significance
This PAL is significant both because of its unique nature on Exmoor, and because of its contribution in understanding the economy and settlement of the Royal Forest of Exmoor in the 17th century. The Warren Farm rabbit warren provides archaeological evidence probably associated with James Boevey’s activities in the Royal Forest. It is an excellent surviving example of a 17th century rabbit warren.