Listed Building: EDBROOK (1174604)

Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 444, 9, 125
Date assigned 05 June 1985
Date last amended
Date revoked
SS83NE CUTCOMBE CP LUCKWELL BRIDGE 9/125 Edbrook - II Farmhouse and adjoining loft over cattle byre. Dated 1607, enlarged and refenestrated late C18-early C19. Flat bedded, random rubble, slate roof stone stacks between first and second bays left at gable end of original building and right at junction with farmbuilding. Plan: 2 cell and cross passage farmhouse set into hillside with one bay addition left and 2-bay farmbuilding right. Farmhouse: 2-storeys, 4-bays, first floor late C18-early C19 leaded iron casements, ground floor left bevelled aris to wall, plank door, wooden casement left of main entrance, plank door with leaded iron casement to right; 2-square headed openings to byre, access to loft assumed to be on right gable end. Small date stone set between third and fourth bays left: RV 1607. Interior: not accessible at time of survey, said to contain chamfered beams with enriched stops and possibly evidence that the building evolved differently from the plan started. Listing NGR: SS8990638372

This Exmoor HER designation record includes a list entry description which is Crown Copyright and was provided by Historic England on 15/08/2005 licensed under the Open Government Licence. See link below for up to date list entry data on the National Heritage List for England.

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Grid reference Centred SS 89911 38368 (37m by 35m)
Map sheet SS83NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)